LGTC Order System v.1.3.5 Updated 2024-07-17 
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Dear Researcher,
As of 3 February 2025 the price for Sanger sequencing will increase with 10%. We have to implement this price increase as a result of price increases at Macrogen.

-Sanger sequencing tubes are available outside room R5-20 and Bioanalyzer chips are outside room R5-22.

-For internal users, you need to book your time in the Outlook room calendars for the following instruments:
Agilent Bioanalyzer, room R-04-023
Qubit, room R-04-023
Light Scanner, room R-04-23
If you don't have access to the room calendar, please contact the LGTC team
-For external users, to book your time please contact the LGTC team
Contact: info@lumc.nl or 071-5269500/69502

Sanger sequencing
Please deliver your Sanger Sequencing samples as usual in R4-21.
Tubes and caps are available at R5-20.

Recommended Concentration and Volume:

Total volume needed is 10ul: 5ul template_concentration + 5ul primer (FINAL primer concentration 1 pmol/ul).

Template_concentration is size related:
BAC concentration over 500ng/ul
Plasmid (over 4kb) concentration 200ng/ul
Plasmid (below 4kb) concentration 100-150ng/ul

Purified PCR product (>1.5kb): 100ng/ul
Purified PCR product (700bp ~ 1.5kb): 50-75ng/ul
Purified PCR product (300bp ~ 700bp): 25-50ng/ul
Purified PCR product less than 300bp): 10-15ng/ul

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