Leiden Genome Technology Center

We are specialized in next-generation sequencing (NGS) with a particular focus on single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics


The main goal of LGTC is to support scientists with their research questions about genomics and transcriptomics.

Single Cell Sequencing

Single-cell sequencing allows you to measure gene expression or chromatin accessibility simultaneously on thousands of cells

Spatial Transcriptomics

The LGTC counts with 2 platforms for spatial transcriptomics from 10x Genomics: the Xenium in situ platform and the Visium CytAssist platform.


The LGTC installed the PacBio Revio platform in March 2024. The Revio platform offers affordable, high-throughput, highly accurate long read sequencing.

Oxford Nanopore

The LGTC installed the PromethION 24 in January 2023. The PromethION 24 offers flexible and affordable on-demand sequencing.

Additional Equipment

The Leiden Genome Technology Center has equipment that can be used for many different applications and is available for general or shared use. We also provide material for specific protocols.

Additional services

The Leiden Genome Technology Center has additional instruments for DNA size selection and quality control

Share equipment

​We maintain shared equipment for researchers at LUMC to use.  We have platforms for DNA and RNA shearing, quality control, and quantification as well as qPCR and SNP genotyping. You must make a booking to use our instruments through our Outlook room calendars. Please contact info@lgtc.nl if you need calendar access.

Sanger sequencing

We offer Sanger sequencing service with reads of approx. 900 base pairs. The samples are processed on an Applied Biosystems 96-capillary (ABI3730xl) system.

Newsletter September

Demo instrument – BD Rhapsody
The LGTC is currently hosting a demo device of the BD Rhapsody Single-Cell Analysis system and scanner.
The sales team at BD Rhapsody is offering discounted reagents during the demo period for interested users. If you think this platform might be suitable for your research question then contact the LGTC to get started.

Training and Eduction

Leiden Genome Technology Center (LGTC) staff organize several courses and lectures every year for members of the Medical Genetics Centre (MGC).

Single cell data analysis – Next edition in October 2024

This week-long course covers the practicalities of single-cell sample preparation and analysis, with a particular focus on single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) libraries. This course is aimed at both wet-lab researchers interested in learning how to analyse their own single-cell data sets, as well as bioinformaticians who are new to single-cell sequencing analysis. Basic knowledge of the programming language R is a prerequisite for participating in the course.

Team and Contact

Dr. Susan Kloet

Head of the LGTC

Our team specializes in the validation and implementation of single-cell and single-molecule sequencing technologies for researchers at the LUMC as well as our international collaborators.

Shantie Jagmohan-Changur

Lab manager

Dr. Roberta Menafra


Emile de Meijer

Scientific support

Rolf Vossen

Scientific support

Yavuz Ariyurek

Scientific support

Dr. Natalia Escobar


Visiting address and delivery address for couriers

Leiden Genome Technology Center (LGTC)
Einthovenweg 20
2333 ZC Leiden
LUMC Building 2
Room R5-20/22
Phone: +31 (0)71 5269500 / +31 (0)71 5269522
Email: info@lgtc.nl

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